Hi there!
I've just created a new improvised lesson for "Improvisaciones" collection, La comunicación no verbal. This lesson is about non verbal communication, the same topic of my last post here, and for this reason I thought that having a visual support could be nice, so I decided to record this lesson with video, along with the usual audio file and the transcription. You'll find the video at LingQ plaza, but I've also embeded here the two video clips (for technical reasons, I've recorded the video in two parts).
Enjoy it!
1st part:
2nd part:
Fa 4 dies
2 comentaris:
That is a great video and I am very happy that I could understand what you said. As far as the conversation classes over the skype I have to confess that I like it because I can focus basically on the audio. On face to face conversation or when we watch a show on TV or a movie we tend to fill the gaps with the non-verbal cues. That's why I agree with Steve on not using movies to learn a foreign language.
Thanks for sharing!
You're welcome Marcelo! I'm glad to know you like it.
I also like conversations on Skype (except when there is a really bad sound quality or a lot of interferences, which fortunately, it doesn't happen often). I think Skype is a wonderful tool to learn/practice a language because it allows you to speak with people from all over the world right from home.
In this video I just wanted to highlight that non visual communication (even in your language)has an extra complexity, but of course, it's great for learning a foreign language. If you can handle a non visual conversation with someone and feel fluent and ease, then in a real face to face relation it would be even easier.
Indeed, this topic came to my mind following a video from Steve talking about the right to make mistakes in a foreig language and the hability to communicate. Then I remembered the importance of the non verbal communication in my personal experience with a couple of german friends to whom I speak in English and how "easy" is to communicate with even if there are words missing or grammar mistakes.
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