This week Mercè prepared a Find Someone Who activity that was quite funny, but I realized that they are not used to this kind of activities. Mercè got out of the class for a while, and they remained seated reading the questions and asking to the classmates besides them. I told them to ask all their classmates but they were a bit confused. “Come on, stand up, walk around the class and ask all your classmates!” Then they start moving along and the chaos began! I think they really had fun with this activity.
Next week I’ll start implementing my Curricular Unit which is about USA Cities. My intention is no working on American Geography, but on specific famous US cities that we all have heard in many movies, TV series and so on, but we don’t know exactly were are they located. And being the US a so huge country, if you think that, for instance, Seattle is located in the East Coast, you may be making a mistake of almost 5 thousand kilometers. Being also photography one of my passions, I also expect that they would be able to recognize these cities through photographies of their landmarks.
So this is my starting point. I’ve decided to work on 10 cities: Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington DC and Las Vegas, although we are also going to talk briefly about Boston, Miami, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Atlanta and Salt Lake City (I want to relate these two last cities to Olympic Games, that they worked with Mercè last week).
Of course, I would use the topic of the cities to introduce listenings, readings and activities related to them. For example, in the first city that we are going to work with, Chicago, they will listen to an introductory audio file that, among other things, talks about gangsters. So I’ll use this to introduce an activity about Al Capone.

Next week I’ll start implementing my Curricular Unit which is about USA Cities. My intention is no working on American Geography, but on specific famous US cities that we all have heard in many movies, TV series and so on, but we don’t know exactly were are they located. And being the US a so huge country, if you think that, for instance, Seattle is located in the East Coast, you may be making a mistake of almost 5 thousand kilometers. Being also photography one of my passions, I also expect that they would be able to recognize these cities through photographies of their landmarks.
So this is my starting point. I’ve decided to work on 10 cities: Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington DC and Las Vegas, although we are also going to talk briefly about Boston, Miami, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Atlanta and Salt Lake City (I want to relate these two last cities to Olympic Games, that they worked with Mercè last week).
Of course, I would use the topic of the cities to introduce listenings, readings and activities related to them. For example, in the first city that we are going to work with, Chicago, they will listen to an introductory audio file that, among other things, talks about gangsters. So I’ll use this to introduce an activity about Al Capone.

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